Frequently Asked Questions2025-03-21T22:07:28+00:00
What do you mean by “blight?”2023-10-20T16:37:44+00:00

Blight is anything being kept outside or stored on a property that is not being used for its intended purpose and can be seen from the public right of way. For example: old construction materials, old tires, unused recreation equipment.

Can I park on the space between the road and sidewalk?2023-10-20T16:36:56+00:00

This area is called the tree-lawn, and parking is not allowed in this space unless improvements are made that are approved by Village Council.

What makes my vehicle “abandoned?”2023-10-20T16:36:04+00:00

Vehicles with flat tires, no registration and/or insurance, or does not run are considered abandoned.

Can I rent the pavilions at Grove Park?2023-10-20T16:33:37+00:00

We do not rent out the pavilions, but Village residents can reserve them by calling Village Hall.

I received a notice for my lawn being too long. Do I just have to mow?2023-10-20T16:03:57+00:00

You need to mow and check for saplings and weeds that do not belong.

What do I do if I do not understand the notice I received?2023-10-20T16:03:23+00:00

Please call Village Hall at 269-473-6921 and ask to speak to the Code Enforcement Officer, who will be happy to explain the notice and offer suggestions.

I have questions on my utility bill. Who can I talk to?2023-10-20T15:59:11+00:00

Please call Village Hall and ask to speak to the Utility Billing Clerk.

Why didn’t the trash company pick up the trash next to my container?2023-10-20T16:01:16+00:00

You cannot overflow the trash bins, and they will not pick up items outside the bins. You are welcome to call Republic and schedule a large item pick-up or take advantage of the two large trash events in the Village.

Why is my water pressure so low?2023-10-20T15:55:58+00:00

This could be because your faucet filter is clogged and needs to be cleaned.

Why does my water look dirty?2023-10-20T15:00:42+00:00

There are several reasons this can occur – flushing hydrants or water main breaks to name two. Both
of these actions stir up sediment in the pipes. The water is completely safe to use and drink, however if you are concerned, running the water for a few minutes will clear it.

Is the notice I receive on my door a citation or fine?2023-10-20T14:59:39+00:00

No. It is simply a notice to make you aware of a code violation and give you a chance to bring your
       property into compliance.